My Portfolio

Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 23rd 2019 Update - Starting my first Animated 360/VR skit

Been a few days since I picked up where I last left off. Learned how to do some basic 3 Modelling and animating. I think I have most of the basic skills I need to create a short skit and starting to try and put the pieces together.

Here's what I put together based on a Youtube character modeling/rigging/animation tutorial.

Applying what I learned I created two basic Chibi models of myself and my fiance Queenie. Decided to test out if Unity Recorder also properly records sounds. As you can see, it seems like it works perfectly fine and won't be something I need to worry about. However, it seems this is the highest quality that Unity Recorder can output. For now I'm just happy that it works so I'll figure out the quality issue in the future.

Animating facial expressions is still something I need to properly learn. Right now I have a work around where my character models have a floating mesh where the eyes and mouth are. Using Unity Timeline I activate and deactivate the mesh to change their expressions. For some reason I couldn't apply automatic weights in Blender so I had to weight paint the rigs manually which ended up taking up a massive amount of time.

Here's a mock up of the restaurant environment for my short skit. You can see the mesh I have for animating the expressions.

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